Havening Techniques® Helps Client With Recovery From Alcoholism

Contacted by his family, desperate to help him, Bill was killing himself with alcohol.

Thanks to The Havening Techniques and NLP, his life has turned around for the better.  Just 3 sessions later, Bill is now sober and free in his mind from the pain he had been suffering for so many years.

Addictions, whether it's alcohol, drugs, gambling, sugar, shopping are all coping mechanisms, distractions and ways to escape from past and current traumas, stressors, fears and anxieties. Fortunately, with advancements in mental health, we are now able to help clients faster than ever before.

Thank you Bill (and his family) - you are an inspiration and you've proved that it's never too late to change your life for the better 🙂

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Chris has extensive experience in helping men and women overcome the symptoms of Anxiety, Panic Attacks, PTSD and so much more. You are not alone; help is available.