Compulsive Behaviors

Gambling, Shopping, Alcohol, Internet, Drugs or other Addiction?

Help is here (and it’s easier than you think)

Addictions can vary from person to person and because you are unique, we will help you in the best way that’s right for you.


By using a unique combination of advanced Hypnotherapy, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and The Havening Techniques®, we will teach you and guide you how to stop and let go of the addiction so that you can finally experience personal freedom, make better choices and better decisions.

We get to work on:

  1. clearing the past (causes/triggers/core issues behind the addiction),
  2. positively changing the present (beliefs, habits, behaviours, identity),
  3. helping to set you up for the future by being better prepared and better equipped with the right skillset, the right motivation and right mindset.

Whether you have a gambling addiction, alcohol addiction, drug addiction, shopping addiction, sugar addiction, or any other addiction, we have the skills, knowledge and experience to help you.

Depending on you and your addiction(s), many of our clients break their addiction in just 2 to 3 sessions (each session is generally 2 hours) and for some, just 1 session is all that’s needed to make the difference.  Who says it has to take months or years to get rid of an addiction?  The mind is more powerful and works faster than you think.

Are you ready to take action?

Alcohol Addiction / Alcoholism

Over the years Chris has helped more and more people in clinic to stop drinking alcohol completely or reduce their alcohol intake.

Many of our clients had already tried Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and talk therapy such as counselling. Because of an increase in demand to see Chris for clearing addictions, this is an area in which he now specialises.

There is no magic wand – let’s be honest here.  If you want to change your life, it starts with YOU, and by starting with you and being open to learning new ways, you’re giving yourself a better chance of turning your life around, sooner than you think.

Contact Linzi for a confidential chat…..what have you got to lose?!

Drug Addiction

Whether it’s recreational or prescription drugs, if you need to stop or want to stop, then you are in the right place.

Addictions, and more specifically drugs, has become an area in which Chris now specialises due to the increasing number of clients who are referred to him.  Cocaine and Cannabis are the two most common drugs that clients seek help for and once they quit, it’s not uncommon for them to say they wish they had seen Chris sooner!

Get in touch with Linzi for a confidential chat……….this could be the most important conversation you have in your life!

Gambling Addiction

Is your Gambling getting out of control? Is it your way of escaping from the real world? Does the buzz of winning keep you gambling just one more time?

Well, you could stop tomorrow if you really wanted to…..but there’s something that is stopping you…

This is where we come in.  To be able to change a behaviour, you need to have the courage to change the cause(s) and core issue(s) behind it.   This is not something we are taught how to do at school and therefore as adults, we’re stuck.  The good news though, is that this is something we have learnt and what we are experts in.

By you asking for help and being willing to take ownership for you, your mind, what you do, how you think and how you feel, you are being smart enough to make it easier for you to stop gambling and start living.

Get in touch with Linzi for a confidential conversation.  This may be your best bet….

Let's Get Started on Breaking Your Addiction

We know that admitting you have an addiction, asking for help and doing something about it takes courage and determination.

We also know that addictions are often ‘secretive’ and ‘hidden’ and for this reason, clients will naturally not wish to film a video testimonial, otherwise their secret of what they were doing is out there.

Most clients will keep in touch and let us know how they are doing months and years later.  So as a client of ours, we hope you will do the same.

We totally respect privacy and confidentiality at all times.  So by now, whether you’re ready or perhaps not sure if this is right for you, just get in touch and let’s have a chat so you’re able to make a better decision.

Book a Confidential Consultation Call

Chris has extensive experience in helping men and women overcome the symptoms of Anxiety, Panic Attacks, PTSD and so much more. You are not alone; help is available.