Referral Process to Chris Meaden for Clinics & Practitioners


Understanding the Referral Process

This page explains the referral process, highlighting a collaborative approach with Chris Meaden to enhance patient care. It's designed to establish a seamless partnership between clinics, practitioners, and Chris Meaden, ensuring patients receive customised support for their mental health journey. This cooperative model underscores our dedication to delivering all-encompassing, cohesive care.

About Chris Meaden and The Meaden Method

Expertise in Mental Health and Well-being

Chris Meaden, with over 20 years of experience and direct training from Dr. Richard Bandler, co-creator of NLP, offers a unique therapeutic approach through The Meaden Method. This method combines NLP with advanced techniques like Hypnotherapy and The Havening Techniques® to effectively address emotional and psychological issues, including anxiety, depression, PTSD, and trauma. Tailored to individual needs, Chris's method focuses on rapid, lasting results, empowering clients with practical strategies. Offering both in-person and virtual sessions, his flexible approach is accessible to all. Chris's commitment to a safe, supportive environment and client confidentiality has made him a trusted figure in mental health. We invite you to explore the testimonials of over 180 satisfied clients on his reviews page to witness the impact of Chris's work. Reviews Page & Success Stories

Referral Criteria

Who Can Benefit?

Patients who are ideal candidates for referral to Chris Meaden typically experience:

Chris Meaden's approach, incorporating NLP, Hypnotherapy, and The Havening Techniques®, is particularly effective for those seeking comprehensive, personalised mental health care beyond traditional therapy methods.

Referral Process

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Initial Contact: You can initiate the referral process by giving clients Chris Meaden's contact details or website, where they can book an initial consultation online or via phone at 01892 800520, with a nominal £15 fee for the initial consultation to affirm commitment.
  2. Client Assessment: The initial assessment by Chris Meaden involves a comprehensive consultation call, conducted via phone or Zoom for international clients, to assess the alignment of his therapeutic methods with the patient's specific needs, ensuring an effective and personalised treatment plan.
  3. Treatment Plan: Chris Meaden develops a customised treatment plan based on the consultation call and the completed patient forms, taking into account the patient's level of trauma, current symptoms, and any medication they are on, to ensure the most effective treatment duration and approach.
  4. Therapy Sessions: Therapy sessions are structured to maximise effectiveness. For patients aged 16 and above, sessions are two hours long, whereas for 10–15-year-olds and the elderly, the duration is typically one hour. The interval between sessions varies; the gap between the first and second sessions are scheduled 5-10 days apart for continuity, while subsequent sessions may be spaced out over weeks to allow clients to experience and adapt to changes in their behaviour and symptoms.

The Patients Journey

Here's a concise overview of a patient's journey with The Meaden Method, highlighting the customised treatment plan and the continuous support provided post-treatment:

Patients embarking on The Meaden Method experience a journey tailored to their individual needs, from initial assessment to a personalised treatment plan. Upon completion, ongoing support through the After Care Wellness and Resilience Online Program ensures sustained progress and well-being.

step 1

Book A Consultation Call via Website or Telephone

As a GP, you can facilitate the initial step by providing your patient with Chris Meaden's contact details and website information. We also offer business cards upon request. Patients have the flexibility to book their initial consultation either through the website or by directly calling 01892 800520. To ensure the commitment and seriousness of potential clients, there is a nominal £15 fee for all initial consultations.

step 2

The Consultation Call

The initial step involves a detailed consultation call with Chris Meaden, available via phone or Zoom for international patients. This call is crucial to evaluate if Chris's therapeutic approach aligns with the patient's specific needs. Should there be a mismatch, Chris will suggest alternative practitioners or methods more suited to the patient's circumstances. Conversely, if a mutual fit is found, Chris and the patient will then arrange suitable dates and times for the therapy sessions and discuss payment details.

step 3

Completion of Pre-Session Forms

After the appointment(s) have been scheduled, the patient will receive confirmation emails with links to securely complete essential online forms. These include a new client questionnaire and a personal history form, which are vital for providing background information and ensuring a productive first session. All submitted information is confidential and securely stored, accessed solely by Chris Meaden for the purpose of preparing for the session.

step 4

A Customised Treatment Plan

Chris dedicates 30 to 60 minutes before the initial session to review the patient's submitted forms, allowing him to craft a personalised treatment plan. This preparation means that sessions are immediately focused on therapeutic progress, as Chris is already informed about the patient's specific challenges. This method enhances the effectiveness of each session, ensuring that the time spent in therapy is directed towards achieving tangible results and advancing the patient's journey towards recovery.


Initial Post Session After Care

After their first session, patients are invited to join the After Care Wellness and Resilience Online Program. This program complements their therapy by offering:

  • Continuous Support: Ongoing assistance throughout their recovery journey.
  • Access to Techniques: Exercises and techniques, including those experienced in sessions, along with additional supportive content.
  • Assignments for Engagement: Patients are encouraged to engage with the program, using it to reinforce session learnings.
  • Journaling Practice: Each patient is advised to maintain a daily journal, noting their feelings and the effectiveness of techniques used.
  • Feedback Utilisation: Journal entries are then used in subsequent sessions to tailor the therapy to the patient’s evolving needs, ensuring optimal outcomes.

Completion of Treatment Plan + After Care

After the last session, patients are invited to continue with the After Care Wellness and Resilience Online Program. This program complements their therapy by offering:

  • Continuous Support: Ongoing assistance throughout their recovery journey.
  • Access to Techniques: Exercises and techniques, including those experienced in sessions, along with additional supportive content.
  • Assignments for Engagement: Patients are encouraged to engage with the program, using it to reinforce session learnings.
  • Journaling Practice: Each patient is advised to maintain a daily journal, noting their feelings and the effectiveness of techniques used.

Patients are encouraged to use this program as long as they find it beneficial for their continued well-being.

Treatment Fees

Treatment plan fees are transparently displayed on our website for your convenience.

Additionally, the Online Wellness and Resilience Aftercare Program is complimentary for the initial 21 days. Following this period, it's available at a modest monthly cost of £15.95, offering the flexibility of cancellation at any time through our website.

Contact Information

How to Get in Touch

For referrals and any further inquiries, you can easily reach Chris Meaden through the following contact details:

We encourage you to get in touch for collaborative care opportunities or any additional information you may need regarding our services and treatment approaches.


Commitment to Quality Care

Chris's steadfast dedication at the core of The Meaden Method is to deliver effective and compassionate care to all his clients. He is committed to fostering healing and growth through a blend of expertise, personalised attention, and ongoing support, ensuring every individual’s journey towards well-being is met with the highest standard of care.

Book a Confidential Consultation Call

Chris has extensive experience in helping men and women overcome the symptoms of Anxiety, Panic Attacks, PTSD and so much more. You are not alone; help is available.