Hypnotherapy for PTSD

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a chronic anxiety disorder triggered by highly stressful, traumatic, distressing, or terrifying events.

Events that can lead to PTSD include:

  • Physical, sexual, verbal, or emotional abuse
  • Childhood neglect
  • Serious road traffic accidents
  • Being trapped in burning buildings
  • Experiences of violent crime such as robberies or muggings
  • Witnessing violent crimes and death
  • Terrorist attacks
  • Military combat
  • Hostage situations
  • Natural disasters like earthquakes, tsunamis, and floods
  • Experiencing complex grief following a suicide

PTSD can develop immediately after someone experiences traumatic events or it may emerge weeks, months, or even years later. It is estimated that about 1 in every 3 people who undergo a highly traumatic experience will develop PTSD. The likelihood of developing PTSD is partially determined by the individual's brain structure and response to stress.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Video Testimonials*

Here's What My PTSD Clients Say*

Why Work With Me?

I began my career in neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) and hypnotherapy in 2004, guided by Dr. Richard Bandler, a pioneer of NLP. I hold advanced certifications in both NLP and Clinical Hypnotherapy and have served as an International Trainer for Havening Techniques. This role highlights my commitment to advancing therapeutic methods. My approach is continually enhanced through active participation in global workshops and seminars, ensuring I offer the most current personal development techniques to my clients. For more details about my background and qualifications, please visit my About Page.

Reclaim your Life: Book a Confidential Consultation Call

Don't let PTSD control your life any longer. Take the first step towards a anxiety-free life. Book a consultation call with Chris today and discover how the Meaden Method can help you find relief and regain control.

At my London and Tunbridge Wells clinics I specialise in NLP, Hypnosis, The Havening Techniques®. I also offer Online Hypnotherapy Sessions via platforms such as FaceTime, Zoom and Skype. 

About Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Let's take a closer look at post traumatic stress disorder: 

How is Trauma Encoded?

When we experience a threat to life or safety, or we feel trapped, unable to escape or vulnerable in a situation, we can encode a trauma.  How we internally interpret what is happening (our subjective emotional experience), the perceived inescapability, the event itself, what this means to us and the change to the landscape of our brain determines the level of traumatisation.

PTSD Symptoms

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) can significantly impact everyday life, often rooted in traumatic memories from distressing events.

For many trauma survivors, symptoms develop within the first month after a traumatic experience. However, symptoms may surface several months or even years later for some individuals. There can be periods when PTSD symptoms are less noticeable, and times when they appear to worsen. For others, symptoms may show no variation and remain constant.

Symptoms vary from person to person, but below is a general overview:


A key symptom of PTSD is the avoidance of reminders associated with the trauma. This generally includes avoiding certain places, people, or triggers that recall the traumatic experience, or avoiding discussions about it. Distraction is a common tactic for alleviating PTSD symptoms, where individuals attempt to push traumatic memories out of their minds and occupy themselves with work, activities, or hobbies.

Emotional Numbing

Some people may try to suppress their emotions completely, a response known as emotional numbing. This can lead to withdrawal, isolation, and a cessation of activities once enjoyed, significantly impeding trauma recovery..

Flashbacks / Re-Experiencing

Re-experiencing the trauma is a common symptom, where individuals involuntarily relive the event through nightmares, flashbacks, or distressing images and sensations. Physical symptoms such as pain, trembling, and sweating often accompany these episodes. Negative thoughts and persistent questioning about the traumatic event can lead to feelings of guilt, blame, shame, or fear. 

Hypersensitivity (feeling 'on edge')

Increased anxiety, inability to relax, and constant alertness are prevalent in those with PTSD. This hypersensitivity can lead to feeling easily startled, emotional outbursts, sleep disturbances, irritability, frustration, and difficulty concentrating.

Other Issues

Many individuals with PTSD experience additional problems such as:

  • Panic Attacks, Depression, Anxiety, and Phobias

  • Addictions, including Drug Misuse and Alcohol Misuse

  • Physical symptoms like Headaches, Dizzy Spells, Chest Pains, and Stomach Problems (such as IBS)

These issues often lead to work-related challenges and relationship breakdowns.

Treating PTSD effectively starts with an initial consultation to understand the individual’s specific circumstances, including any childhood trauma. Clinical hypnosis, along with other therapeutic techniques, can be integral in alleviating PTSD symptoms and promoting recovery from traumatic experiences.

A New Way of Healing Trauma (PTSD)

Until recently, healing trauma often required years of counselling and therapy. For many, discussing traumatic events repeatedly could inadvertently reinforce the trauma, perpetuating a cycle of distress.

However, thanks to Dr. Ronald Ruden, a US Conventional Medical Doctor, Neuroscientist, and Neuropharmacologist, an alternative approach exists. Dr. Ruden has dedicated over a decade to researching and developing a scientific yet gentle method for healing emotional trauma. This approach not only facilitates faster healing but also permanently removes the emotional attachment to distressing memories. It allows individuals to heal without constantly revisiting painful details, offering an option to work 'content-free' if they choose.

This innovative method is known as The Havening Techniques and has the potential to significantly improve people's lives..

What Happens After The Trauma Has Been Emotionally Detached?

After undergoing 'Havening,' the trauma or distressing memory will not provoke the same emotional response. It will appear as something distant and vague—fuzzy, blurry, or far away—allowing you to feel detached, safe, calmer, more in control, and happier. The distress previously associated with that traumatic memory will no longer be achievable, as the biological structure of the brain has been permanently altered.


We've answered some of the most frequently asked questions about PTSD below: 

  • Hypnotherapy

  • The Meaden Method

  • Logistics

What is the most powerful treatment for PTSD?

The effectiveness of PTSD treatments can vary depending on the individual, but many find a combination of hybrid hypnotherapy sessions to be highly an effective treatment. Hypnotherapy, in particular, allows individuals to access and process traumatic memories in a safe, controlled environment, often making it a powerful treatment option.

How does hypnosis heal trauma?

Hypnosis aids in healing trauma by allowing individuals to enter a state of heightened awareness and relaxation. This relaxed state then enables them to explore traumatic memories while maintaining a psychological distance. Hypnotherapy sessions can help dissociate the emotional charge from these memories, facilitating coping strategies for better mental health.

What happens if PTSD is left untreated?

If posttraumatic stress disorder is left untreated, the symptoms can worsen over time. The individual might experience increasing difficulties with emotional regulation and find that the same symptoms repeatedly disrupt their daily life. This can lead to severe mental health issues, strained relationships, and diminished quality of life.

Can hypnotherapy help unfold a past traumatic experience?

Yes, hypnotherapy can be very effective in unfolding past traumatic experiences. It allows the person experiencing trauma to revisit the past trauma with a greater sense of safety and from a perspective of conscious awareness. This can help process and integrate the experience in a way that reduces its painful impact.

Does hypnosis rewire your brain?

Hypnosis can indeed 'rewire' your brain, in the sense that it can alter how your brain processes information and reacts to certain stimuli. Regular hypnotherapy sessions can help modify the neural pathways associated with traumatic memories, potentially reducing their influence on the subconscious mind and helping to develop new, healthier patterns of thought and behaviour.

Book a Confidential Consultation Call

Chris has extensive experience in helping men and women overcome the symptoms of Anxiety, Panic Attacks, PTSD and so much more. You are not alone; help is available.